Thursday, March 18, 2010

American Idol Top 12 Results: The Day Simon Calls Ryan Out

OK friends, it's St. Patrick's Day. I've had two bottles of wine and some green cider. And I may or may not be eating garlic bread. Don't judge me. Yeah, the elimination happened four hours ago, but I don't care. Sometimes these things take precedent.

CAMEOS: David Cook - Yes. I love when past Idols come back and show the contestants how it should be done. Bring it.

Orianthi: Oh no. Awesome guitar, obviously. (Shirtless, take a lesson.) But not so much on the singing. It's not like these phrases are terribly long. Maybe you could take bigger breaths before you start to sing? I can feel relief in the fact that I got this song as a free I-Tunes single before you blew up the radio. And made me want to fast forward through this performance.

Ke$ha: Where to begin? Well, the one thing I will say is that I enjoy anyone who rocks it drunk. And by "rocks it" I mean "struts around on stage in an Indian headdress."

SIDEBAR #1: Don't sing, Dawg.

BOTTOM 3: YNKL. Yes. Fauxfron. Ok. Pink Shampoo. Yes. And yes, I knew Tim would be sent back. Ask that lady next to me on the couch.

SIDEBAR #2: Damn it, McDonalds. I just got that stupid Filet O' Fish song out of my head. Where it has remained for the past two weeks. You suck.

JUDGES SAVE: I swear, if Simon doesn't stop pimping Paige, I will start to get riled up. I'd almost rather she went home now. But at least we didn't really have to worry about the judges keeping Shampoo around. See you in the salon, Lacey. Good job, America.

FAREWELL SONG: I haven't mentioned this before, but this is my favorite Will Young song. Good job, Simon.

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