Thursday, April 19, 2012

Idol 11: A Pink Streaked Elimination

Sometimes a Lifehouse song should not be a worship song. It should just be a Lifehouse song.

And that's all I have to say about that. Foreshadowing? Perhaps. Yeah. Lifehouse.

GROUP PERFORMANCE: With all the sound problems, the break dancing in the background and the balloon extravaganza that seemed to take all the singers by surprise, all I could focus on was the tambourine that DID NOT WAVER. Or do anything to get more interesting.

And while I admire restraint sometimes, I do NOT admire it when there is a tambourine involved.


TAYLOR HICKS CAMEO: Vegas? Really? McPheever's on national television every week. Suck on that.

KRIS ALLEN: How much do you think it would cost to put my piano on a turntable?

Sorry. I lost focus. While I love a nice revolve, one might want to make sure that the piano is shorter than the performer so he doesn't completely disappear when he's upstage of the instrument.

On a singing note, the falsetto was not as strong as I'd like it. But I'll probably buy this cd anyway.

I'm not forgiving the skinny jeans, though.

SIDEBAR: Do you think it's weird for the former winners to come back and have JLo and Steven there instead of Paula and Simon? (Or even Ellen and Kara. Wow. I almost forgot about those two.)

LMFAO: Sorry, team. I'm not even going to dignify this by watching.

BOTTOM THREE: So Small, Kindred Spirit, Lesser Cook. (Well, two out of three isn't bad.)

ELIMINATED: Lesser Cook. Wow...I wanted to call it last night, but I didn't have the guts. Plus, I really WANTED Mantasia to go, because I can only handle so many inspirational songs.

But let's remember the curse of the pink hair. Redneck had better watch her back. Until next week, friends.

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